view @ 76:0e5ae28e0b2b

Points are now weighted on a test context basis In particular, this has allowed for simple extensions to the format of testconf to award points to whole test groups without at the same time compromising the future ability of giving partial score for correct but slow solutions. Specifically, the groupweight configuration variable has been added and normally has the format {groupindex: points} where groupindex is the group's index in the tests configuration variable. The backwards incompatible change is that test contexts are no longer guaranteed to learn the score awarded or the maximum possible score for every test case and may instead be notified about them in batches. In other news, the pointmap and groupweight configuration variables can (now) be given as sequences in addition to mappings. (Technically, the distinction currently made is dict versus everything else.) Items of a sequence pointmap/groupweight correspond directly to the test cases/ groups defined in the tests configuration variable; in particular, when groups are used, tests=[1],[2,3];pointmap={1:1,2:2,3:3} can now be written as pointmap=tests=[1],[2,3]. Missing items are handled in the same way in which they are handled when the variable is a mapping. Note that the items of groupweight correspond to whole test groups rather than individual test cases. In other news again, the wording of problem total lines has been changed from '<unweighted> points; weighted score: <weighted>' to '<weighted> points (<unweighted> before weighting)', and group total lines now properly report fractional numbers of points (this is a bug fix).
author Oleg Oshmyan <>
date Sat, 08 Jan 2011 16:03:35 +0200
parents 1914ae9cfdce
children cd347cfca272
line wrap: on
line source

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2010 Chortos-2 <>

"""File access routines and classes with support for archives."""

from __future__ import division, with_statement

	from compat import *
except ImportError:
	import __main__

import contextlib, os, shutil, sys

# You don't need to know about anything else.
__all__ = 'File',

# In these two variables, use full stops no matter what os.extsep is;
# all full stops will be converted to os.extsep on the fly
archives = 'tests.tar', '', 'tests.tgz', 'tests.tar.gz', 'tests.tbz2', 'tests.tar.bz2'
formats = {}

class Archive(object):
	__slots__ = 'file'
	if ABCMeta:
		__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
	def __new__(cls, path):
		Create a new instance of the archive class corresponding
		to the file name in the given path.
		if cls is not Archive:
			return object.__new__(cls)
			# Do this by hand rather than through os.path.splitext
			# because we support multi-dotted file name extensions
			ext = path.partition(os.path.extsep)[2]
			while ext:
				if ext in formats:
					return formats[ext](path)
				ext = ext.partition(os.path.extsep)[2]
			raise LookupError("unsupported archive file name extension in file name '%s'" % filename)
	def __init__(self, path): raise NotImplementedError
	def extract(self, name, target): raise NotImplementedError
	def __del__(self):
		del self.file

	import tarfile
except ImportError:
	TarArchive = None
	class TarArchive(Archive):
		__slots__ = '__namelist'
		def __init__(self, path):
			self.file =
		def extract(self, name, target):
			member = self.file.getmember(name) = target
		# TODO: somehow automagically emulate universal line break support
		def open(self, name):
			return self.file.extractfile(name)
		def exists(self, queried_name):
			if not hasattr(self, '__namelist'):
				names = set()
				for name in self.file.getnames():
					cutname = name
					while cutname:
						cutname = cutname.rpartition('/')[0]
				self.__namelist = frozenset(names)
			return queried_name in self.__namelist
		def __enter__(self):
			if hasattr(self.file, '__enter__'):
			return self
		def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
			if hasattr(self.file, '__exit__'):
				return self.file.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
			elif exc_type is None:
				# This code was shamelessly copied from of Python 2.7
				if not self.file._extfileobj:
				self.file.closed = True
	formats['tar'] = formats['tgz'] = formats['tar.gz'] = formats['tbz2'] = formats['tar.bz2'] = TarArchive

	import zipfile
except ImportError:
	ZipArchive = None
	class ZipArchive(Archive):
		__slots__ = '__namelist'
		def __init__(self, path):
			self.file = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
		def extract(self, name, target):
			if os.path.isabs(target):
				# To my knowledge, this is as portable as it gets
				path = os.path.join(os.path.splitdrive(target)[0], os.path.sep)
				path = None
			member = self.file.getinfo(name)
			member.filename = os.path.relpath(target, path)
			# FIXME: 2.5 lacks ZipFile.extract
			self.file.extract(member, path)
		def open(self, name):
			return, 'rU')
		def exists(self, queried_name):
			if not hasattr(self, '__namelist'):
				names = set()
				for name in self.file.namelist():
					cutname = name
					while cutname:
						cutname = cutname.rpartition('/')[0]
				self.__namelist = frozenset(names)
			return queried_name in self.__namelist
		def __enter__(self):
			if hasattr(self.file, '__enter__'):
			return self
		def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
			if hasattr(self.file, '__exit__'):
				return self.file.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
				return self.file.close()
	formats['zip'] = ZipArchive

# Remove unsupported archive formats and replace full stops
# with the platform-dependent file name extension separator
def issupported(filename, formats=formats):
	ext = filename.partition('.')[2]
	while ext:
		if ext in formats: return True
		ext = ext.partition('.')[2]
	return False
archives = [filename.replace('.', os.path.extsep) for filename in filter(issupported, archives)]
formats = dict((item[0].replace('.', os.path.extsep), item[1]) for item in items(formats))

open_archives = {}

def open_archive(path):
	if path in open_archives:
		return open_archives[path]
		open_archives[path] = archive = Archive(path)
		return archive

class File(object):
	__slots__ = 'virtual_path', 'real_path', 'full_real_path', 'archive'
	def __init__(self, virtpath, allow_root=False, msg='test data'):
		self.virtual_path = virtpath
		self.archive = None
		if not self.realize_path('', tuple(comp.replace('.', os.path.extsep) for comp in virtpath.split('/')), allow_root):
			raise IOError("%s file '%s' could not be found" % (msg, virtpath))
	def realize_path(self, root, virtpath, allow_root=False, hastests=False):
		if root and not os.path.exists(root):
			return False
		if len(virtpath) > 1:
			if self.realize_path(os.path.join(root, virtpath[0]), virtpath[1:], allow_root, hastests):
				return True
			elif not hastests:
				if self.realize_path(os.path.join(root, 'tests'), virtpath, allow_root, True):
					return True
				for archive in archives:
					path = os.path.join(root, archive)
					if os.path.exists(path):
						if self.realize_path_archive(open_archive(path), '', virtpath, path):
							return True
			if self.realize_path(root, virtpath[1:], allow_root, hastests):
				return True
			if not hastests:
				path = os.path.join(root, 'tests', virtpath[0])
				if os.path.exists(path):
					self.full_real_path = self.real_path = path
					return True
				for archive in archives:
					path = os.path.join(root, archive)
					if os.path.exists(path):
						if self.realize_path_archive(open_archive(path), '', virtpath, path):
							return True
			if hastests or allow_root:
				path = os.path.join(root, virtpath[0])
				if os.path.exists(path):
					self.full_real_path = self.real_path = path
					return True
		return False
	def realize_path_archive(self, archive, root, virtpath, archpath):
		if root and not archive.exists(root):
			return False
		if root: path = ''.join((root, '/', virtpath[0]))
		else: path = virtpath[0]
		if len(virtpath) > 1:
			if self.realize_path_archive(archive, path, virtpath[1:], archpath):
				return True
			elif self.realize_path_archive(archive, root, virtpath[1:], archpath):
				return True
			if archive.exists(path):
				self.archive = archive
				self.real_path = path
				self.full_real_path = os.path.join(archpath, *path.split('/'))
				return True
		return False
	def open(self):
		if self.archive:
			file =
			if hasattr(file, '__exit__'):
				return file
				return contextlib.closing(file)
			return open(self.real_path, 'rU')
	def copy(self, target):
		if self.archive:
			self.archive.extract(self.real_path, target)
			shutil.copy(self.real_path, target)